Monday, November 2, 2009

Final Fantasy XIII Theme Song 「君がいるから」"Because I Have You"

You suddenly said, “You can cry if you want”
Somehow it made me happy, instead of tears I smiled
My words so clumsy, they hurt you
But I don’t want you to leave me, I want you to stay beside me always

Wishes and dreams I want to come true
The feels I wish I could tell you
A miracle created from the things I’ve always believed
Is connected to the future
Always, always I want you to watch over me
Dear My Friend

You said, on leaving “You’ll be able to do it”
The loneliness I felt was wiped clean with those words
I’m opening a new door, anyone would be frightened
All I had to do, was remember you, and the strength flowed through me

I won’t give up my feelings
If I can make voice to all these words
Then the future will open up wide
Because always, always you are in my heart
Dear My Friend


I vow that
No matter if I stop, or if a forget
I will keep moving forward
Light is shining down, when I look up at the sky
Until the day when I can see you again

I won’t give up my feelings
If I can make voice to all these words
Then the future will open up wide
Wishes, the dreams I want to come true
The feelings I wish I could tell you
A miracle created from the things I’ve always believed
Is connected to the future
Always, always I want you to watch over me
Dear My Friend

Vocals: Sayuri Sugawara
Music: Masashi Hamauzu

Japanese lyrics transcribed by enjirube on the GameFAQs forums.


Unknown said...

Thx! I love this song.

PriscyIchigo said...

So pretty *---*
Thanks for the translation!

BoAKaN said...

Just showing my appreciation :) Thanks very much!

Anonymous said...

can u give me versi japan lyric

Shannon said...

This is a beautiful and inspiring message about friendship.

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